






October 31, 2008
On November 19th Gene Simmons will bang the gavel on the days trading
at the New York Stock Exchange at Wall Street.
October 31, 2008
(from genesimmons.com)
I am closing in on two, separate offers to relaunch my SIMMONS RECORDS label. When I've
decided which offer I'll accept, you'll read it here first.
For those of you in bands who have demos (demonstration tapes), please
don't send em.
I've received literally thousands upon thousands of demos over the
years. There simply isn't enough time in the world to wade through it all.
The history of SIMMONS RECORDS dates back to Bob Buziak former head of
RCA RECORDS. I signed HOUSE OF LORDS ( a name I trademarked and let Greg Giuffria use for
his band), SILENT RAGE, a California rock band and GYPSY ROSE a Canadian rock band RCA
wanted to release through my label.
Music was going through a revolution and Grunge and Seattle snuffed out
most of the rock bands of the day. I went on record then and stand by what I said: Though
the bands coming out of Seattle were certainly valid, the tone and self destructive nature
of it was not. Seattle would be the death of most rock bands. And, it was. What followed
was the saddest period in Rock I can remember.
Gone were rock shows. Gone were groupies. Gone was the Culture of Rock.
The bands that ignored Seattle and simply went on doing what they did
best: Rock!!!....survived. And got bigger.
Seattle bands? Almost all are gone.
Back in the early 90's, I was also managing LIZA MINNELLI's recording
career and got her a deal at Epic Records. Her record was produced by the Pet Shop Boys.
For the most part, I lost interest in fighting an uphill battle with my
label. Then by early 2000, I met and liked the nice folks at Sanctuary and over there, I
re-launched the SIMMONS RECORDS label for two releases: my solo album, ASSHOLE and a
Canadian one-man-band named BAG. Eventually, Sanctuary went under and that forced us to
shut our doors yet again.
This time, we have two majors who want to do this the right way.
And, we will.
October 29, 2008
(from Blabbermouth)
"IKONS", a four-CD collectors' package showcasing
the iconic prominence each KISS member contributed to the hottest
rock 'n' roll band in the world, has sold 2,200 copies in the United States in its first
week of release, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The packaging for "IKONS" is outstanding, featuring a 24-page booklet filled
with classic KISS...
October 28, 2008
(from mykisslife.net)
In this installment, we celebrate 2 milestones: the 2nd anniversary of the KISS
Coffeehouse AND our 10th show here at PodKISSt!!!
Back in August, we were invited to attend the festivities at the Coffeehouse, but neither
James nor Ken nor I could make it. Fortunately, our correspondents Geoff and Mike traveled
long distances through ominous weather and came through like the champs they are! Surely,
they are among the highest-ranking officers in the KISS Army!
Once there, Geoff and Mike were given the V.I.P. treatment, with unfettered access to the
sights and sounds of this KISStoric event.
They interviewed fans, chatted with well-known members of the KISS camp, and met the maker
of the new KISS ketchup! Best of all, they scored an exclusive interview with none other
than current KISS lead guitarist Tommy Thayer!
Tommy could not have been nicer! He took the time to answer our many questions, and
provided us with some very unique and exciting insights into the KISS world!
Were already hard at work on PodKISSts 11 and 12, and were so glad youve
enjoyed what weve had to offer. BIG thanks to everyone who downloads the shows, to
Ken for his great artwork, to Mike and Geoff for being superfans, and to Tommy Thayer for
his time and attention!
So join us down at the KISS Coffeehouse, and get ready for some great surprises!
- Gary and James
Click here
to listen to the Podcast.
October 28, 2008
(from Kissonline/by Slashgear)
If youre a Guitar Hero or Rock Band diehard, then this is an accessory you
just cant live without. I mean, look at it! The Gene Simmons Axe Guitar is in the
shape of a battle axe and just screams awesome.
This guitar controller features all sorts of cool additions like an analog whammy bar and
super responsive frets. But most of all, this thing is cool looking and isnt that
the whole point? And I guess it makes fake guitar-playing easier, too.
The Gene Simmons Axe Guitar works with both Guitar Hero and Rock Band, making it the
perfect accompaniment for those of you that are equal-opportunity rock-outers. It seems to
be an official Simmons product. So, if you love KISS and rock games, this is the perfect
October 28, 2008
(from eddietrunk.com)
Ace Frehley had a HUGE weekend at Chiller signing autographs Saturday and Sunday. Ace was
in good spirits and had a great time with the thousands that turned up to see him and get
something signed. The Chiller event is only a couple miles from where I live in NJ so I
had the chance to hang with Ace Saturday and Sunday night. It was fun to get away from the
expo and grab some dinner and hang out and shoot the shit. Everyone was asking about Ace's
new solo CD. Trust me, it is recorded, but he is still tweaking mixes and trying to
determine what versions of these songs he wants to put out. He asked me for my thoughts
and I will be helping him through this process as best I can.
Also, understand it has been 19 years since he put out a CD. The business has
changed drastically so I am also giving him some direction there. This CD will come out,
but when he's comfortable with the sound and arrangement to get it out. The hard fact is
that classic artists rarely sell new music or have hits (AC/DC and Metallica one
of the rare exceptions), so I urged Ace to make a CD for him and his fans, not what people
tell him is hip! I'll keep you posted.
October 27, 2008
Producer Louis Antonelli posted a comment on Amazon:
No Sound on play - DVD's not defective & ASPECT RATIO, please read.
I am Louis Antonelli, the producer & director of ONE LIVE KISS. I have been getting
reports today concerning people who bought the DVD of ONE LIVE KISS and upon putting the
DVD in and clicking 'play' they experience picture but no sound! There actually is nothing
wrong with the DVD - the fact is it was programmed (due to it being a DTS DVD) that one
must CHOOSE a soundtrack first on the main menu - DTS or Stereo, before clicking play.
Click here
to read the rest.
October 27, 2008
Ace Frehley was Special Guest at the Chiller Expo in New Jersey last
weekend. He signed autographs and posed for pictures. You had to pay extra to get an
autograph. Dies soll jedoch kein Fehler sein, die DVD wurde angeblich absichtlich so
October 24, 2008
Tonight 20 minutes after midnight there will be a program called
"Tracks" on the channel "Arte". It will feature a story
on Kiss.
Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008 um 00.20 Uhr
25.10.2008 um 03:00
Diese Woche bei "Tracks": Kiss wieder auf Tour - Die Könige des Math
Rock und ihre Musik nach Zahlen - Ian Hunter gibt Nachhilfe in Glam Rock - Jean-Pierre
Mocky, so jung wie eh und je!
(1): Kiss: Big Bisous de Paris
100 Millionen verkaufte Alben und ein gut laufendes Merchandising-Geschäft mit
Devotionalien von T-Shirts über Kiss-Figuren bis zu Kiss-Flippern - die legendären
Hard-Rocker und ihr "Rock'n'Roll-Circus" gehen ab wie eh und je. Als die Band
1973 in der Bronx gegründet wurde, da steckten die musikalisch seelenverwandten Jungs von
Marilyn Manson noch in den Windeln! Initiator und Inspirator von Kiss war der als
"The Demon" auftretende Bassist Gene Simmons, der Mann mit der angeblich 17
Zentimeter langen Zunge. Comic-Fan Simmons ist ein begnadeter Geschäftsmann und hat
Erfolg mit seiner Idee, zuerst das Image der Gruppe zu vermarkten und erst an zweiter
Stelle die Musik. Auch 35 Jahre später haben sie - nicht nur bei ihrem offiziellen
Fanclub, der "Kiss Army" mit inzwischen sechsstelliger Mitgliederzahl- nichts
von ihrer Popularität eingebüßt.
October 24, 2008
Genes son Nick will also be on Bruces upcoming solo album. Read about
it here.
October 24, 2008
(from www.eddietrunk.com)
I have been totally slammed running in and out of NYC and working on the new VH1 Classic
show. I am thrilled to report that Season 1 is done! We wrapped production last night,
followed by a fun wrap party after with all the cast and crew at an Irish pub. Doing this
show was a total blast and I can not wait for it to be seen. Every audience member and
crew member has said they thought it was so much fun, very unique and that there was great
chemistry (and ball busting!) between me and my co-hosts Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson.
I've been working on developing this show for a long time and through some crazy
obstacles, but I can not be happier with how it came out and the people I am working with.
8 shows are now in the can and the first one airs 11/15 at 11PM ET & PT. There will be
many repeats through the week, new episodes every Saturday night at 11. Yesterday's final
two shows featured Ace Frehley and Alex and Geddy from Rush as in studio guests. What a
way to wrap up Season 1! I can not thank Alex and Geddy enough. The guys flew to NYC in
and out on the same day just to do my show only. It's an honor to be able to call the Rush
guys friends over the last few years and I am so grateful. To have artists of this caliber
willing to step up for me like this is unreal. We had some fun with the guys and talked
about their new DVD. They both were enteraining and very funny and seemed to have a good
time. Was also cool to see Ace and Rush interact backstage. Rush opened more shows for
Kiss then any band in the 70's and the stories and old memories were flowing in the halls
and around the makeup room. Was just great to watch these legends interact and catch up.
Ace was typical Ace, cracking jokes and being very loose and having fun. He told me he
thought the format of the show was great and was really enjoying it. Yes he is still
working on the CD, and I promised him I would make it to his house next week to hear where
he's at with it. We will also both be appearing at the Chiller Expo in Parsippany NJ
Saturday 10/25.
October 23, 2008
On eBay there is a signed "Creatures of the night" LP for sale. What makes it so
special is the perfect looking autgraphs. You don't get to see perfectly looking
autographs like these very often. The seller claims they are real and explains the story
behind it.
Here is what is posted in the auction:
(from eBay.com)
Up for auction from my own personal collection is a fully signed
CREATURES OF THE NIGHT album! Some 28 years ago the band made a very
rare European promotional tour to lauch their then brand new album. At the time
no one knew that this would be the last makeup event with guitarist Ace Frehley up until
the reunion 1996.
KISS flew in from New York City to Stockholm, Sweden on Nov 21,
1982 to do TV and radioshows to promote their new album and upcoming tour. The
band stayed at the local Sheraton Hotel and very few fans knew about their visit. On the
following day (Monday, Nov 22) Gene Simmons taped an interview with Swedish televison,
Paul Stanley did an radio interview along with some photosessions for national press and
Swedens biggest rockmagazine OKEJ. On this tight schedule the band visited the
headquarters of PolyGram Records (located at the time in
Solna) and signed a limited number of albums to be given away in contest
and so on. According to Robert Hultman (back then mainman for KISS in Sweden) less
than 25 copies were signed.
As a diehard KISS collector since the early 80´s I´ve only come across
3 copies (apart from my own) from this signing session and none of them
were for sale. And none of them were as good looking as this one.
On this 10 day promotional tour the band visited Sweden, UK,
Holland, Spain, Germany and Italy. What make this signed album even rarer - apart
from it´s vintage feel - is that on the flight from Italy back to New York - it is said
according to Simmons himself - that Ace decided to leave the band. These were the
last appearences KISS made with Ace Frehley until the Unplugged gig in 1995 and the
reunion tour that came after.
About the sleeve: Fully sined by Gene Simmons, Eric Carr, Ace
Frehley and Paul Stanley. Date of signatures: Nov 22, 1982.
Location of session: PolyGram Records, Mariehällsvägen in Solna, Stockholm. The album
has been kept in a smokefree inviroment since I obtained the record in
1984. It has always been protected in a plastic outer sleeve and kept
away from unnecessary handling. All four signatures are almost PERFECT
(no smudges as I have seen on other copies) and done with a medium thin white marker pen
apart from Eric Carr who used a medium thin silver marker pen. None what so ever
wear to the cover itself and the vinyl unplayed. I would
confident rate this a Nm according to RC grading scale.
This is the REAL DEAL, make no misstake about that.
This is a one time offer to lay your lay your hands on a genuine true piece
of vintage KISSTORY. No COA will be provided since I´m the original
owner and the album is sold under these terms. I have been an ebayer far too long
to bomb my reputation and feedback by listing fake items.
About me: I´ve been active as a reporter/photographer
for a number of Swedish music magazines (OKEJ magazine being the most established) since
the late 80`s to present day. From 1988 - 1990 I ran the Swedish KISS
ARMY SWEDEN. Currently I´m working as a promotor locally in Stockholm/SWEDEN.
During these years inside the music business I´ve obtained and collected many rare items
such as records, Cd´s, posters, stage worn/used items and ofcourse signed material from
bands like AC/DC to ZZ - Top.
the rest.
October 23, 2008
According to rumours, ESP will play in Europe next year again. One date is supposedly
scheduled for February 18th, 2008 in Switzerland in Pratteln at the Konzertfabrik 27.
October 23, 2008
(from rockpages.gr)
We continue our year-long KISS special article with the
17th interview with a KISS-related figure.
This week we publish an interview with Philip Bardowell (CRISS second lead singer).
Heres an excerpt:
Rockpages.gr: I know that together with Mark Montague you have written several songs that
never made it on the record. One of them was called Wasted Love. Whats
the story behind that song and approximately how many songs have been left out?
Philip Bardowell: Wow! How can you remember all these details
I dont recall
much of Wasted Love and frankly I never heard the record (I left prior to the
recording of it) and I really dont know whats left out. There was a song
called Down With The Sun which I wrote with Mark (ed. note: As you probably
know, this song was included in the first full length Criss record, but the credits
indicate as songwriters Mark and Peter only.), I also liked a song called I am Still
Here for Lovin You and a couple of other tunes.
You can find the whole interview on: http://www.rockpages.gr/standard.aspx?type=13&sub=K&lang=EN
October 21, 2008
(from www.striglsmusicnews.com)
In this very special episode, hosts Mark Strigl
and John Ostronomy, sit down with legendary artist manager and director, Bill
Aucoin, in his New York City office. Topics
include Bill's experiences with KISS, Billy Idol, Steve Stevens, Billy Squier, Van Halen, New England, Manowar, Lordi, and Fixer. In addition, Bill discusses his new company Aucoin Globe Entertainment as well as the stage production of
"Quadrophenia" and working with Pete Townshend.
Click here
to hear the Podcast.
October 21, 2008
An interview with Paul Stanley done during Kiss' stay in Stuttgart can be read here on
Kissonline. The interview was printed in a Bevery Hills magazine.
October 21, 2008
(from Sepul tura)
KISS "I was made for loving you" cover on Swedish tv in Dansbands kampen
Bengts Hennings performs a Bugg version of I Was made for loving you
se it here http://www.svt.se/svt/road/Classic/shared/mediacenter/index.jsp?&d=97256&lid=lista_882659&lpos=3
(it starts after 12 minutes)
October 21, 2008

Poster - Nordens
största poptidning 1974-1980
Authors: Fabian H. Bernstone & Mathias Brink
About the book: Were the 70's really the century of bad taste? Might be. But who
prefers good taste to glitter and glam rock, hard rock, shock rock or punk rock made in
the USA? Who could not prefer bands like KISS, ABBA, Sex Pistols, Sweet, Alice Cooper or
This is the ultimate book about the biggest Swedish pop magazine of the 70's. Everyone who
grew up that time will never forget about it. The phenomenon POSTER could not be escaped.
Its posters could be seen on any teenage wall, in youth clubs, class rooms, teenage rooms,
lounges, community centers... They openend the door to the world of glitter and glam,
hardrock and pop.
Hans Hatwig is the founder of the magazine which "papered the walls of a whole
generation", as he once said. He also took many of the magazine photos himself. Among
those can be found unique pictures of some of the biggest stars of the 70's: ABBA, KISS,
Sweet, Thin Lizzy, AC/DC, Sex Pistols, Björn Skifs, Ted Gärdestad and many more!
Most of the photos have previously been unpublished. Now, for the very first time, they
get to see the light of the day in this wonderful book about POSTER's history.
Richly illustrated in colour with many previously unpublished photos! 256 pages! Cover
index of all issues of Poster magazine! Valuation guide for the collector!
The first edition of this book includes two superposters in large A2 format, with KISS and
Agnetha from ABBA!
More info and preorder
October 19, 2008
(from kisskollector.com)
The new issue of Holland's entertainment industry's trade paper EB Live Edition -
a special magazine from EB/Entertainment Business for the live concert
industry - includes a story on merchandising and the socalled 360 degree model that might
save the music business (which we first mentioned in issue 62 of our glossy KISS
Kollector magazine). The article mentions KISS a few times (including crediting them
for being the band in the seventies that knew there was more than a few bucks to be made
on merchandising) and also features a cover photo of KISS fans in make up at a KISS show
(see image below).

October 19, 2008
(from Danny Nevel)
Hi everyone , see my girlfriend and my two daughters
all dressed up in front of my show pieces in the living room ..
New fans coming up ;-)

October 18, 2008
(from Thomas Barta)
In the new show from the 'Blue man group' called 'how to be a megastar' they mention
Gene (at the theme "codpiece") and also Paul (at the theme "make-up").

October 18, 2008
(from genesimmons.com)
Just got back from Mexico, where I was the honored guest of the MTV Latin American 2008
Awards. Hectic and fun.
You'll see more news soon, but I was surprised to find out that the actual AWARD of the
MTV Latin American event is...MY TONGUE!!!.
Yep. The Academy Awards have their Oscar. The People's Choice Awards has their Crystal
Award...and MTV Latin America has...my tongue. It was a hoot seeing the various artists
receiving my tongue (...). Metallica played and were in great form. Jared Leto and his
Mars guys sat nearby (You're welcome, Jared!!!).
More fotos from the event soon.

October 17, 2008
Click here to see "Magic Touch"
from Pauls new DVD "One Live Kiss".
October 17, 2008
(from Deuce67/Kiss Forum)
![BACIO_big[1].jpg (35991 Byte)](http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk65/deuce67_photos/BACIO_big.jpg)
October 17, 2008
(from kissfaq.com)
Rich Circell Q&A
Honey was a band Ace played with around 1968/9. Little
was known about it... Until now!

Photo courtesy Rich Circell
KISSFAQ.com: Tell us a little of your background and how you became interested in
Like many others it was The Beatles on Ed Sullivan that did it for me. I knew I had to
form a band and have all those girls screaming for me.
KISSFAQ.com: What was the first record you bought?
I remember buying Runaround Sue and then Four Seasons records. I loved the girl groups
too, like The Ronettes.
KISSFAQ.com: What was the first band you saw live?
I saw The Beatles at Shea Stadium but I was very far away and could not really hear them.
When I was older the one show that stands out in my mind was seeing The Who and Cream at a
Murray The K show in New York. Mithch Ryder and Wilson Pickett were also on the bill. I
also saw Jimi Hendrix open for The Monkees at Forest Hills-that was a classic. All those
Monkey fans did not know what to make of Hendrix.
KISSFAQ.com: You were the vocalist in Honey. How did you become a singer and did/do you
play any instruments?
I just picked it up on my own and by listening to records. I would say I was most
influenced by The British Bands. One major regret I have was never playing an instrument.
Of course I fooled around with tambourines, cowbwells, conga drums, etc.
KISSFAQ.com: What do you recall of your first band?
My first band was called The Wrong - I never liked the name, just as I never liked Honey
as a name either. If I remeber correctly Honey was Paul's idea and everyone kind of went
along with the name. Getting back to my previous band, my drummer ended up in Honey and on
certain dates my keyboard player also. We played all the British Invasion stuff and did
write several originals. We did some recording with the person who was handling The Lemon
Pipers and Steam. To my knowledge none of those demos exist. I would love to hear them
KISSFAQ.com: From first becoming active in bands, what was the sort of timeframe prior
to Honey and when was that band active?
I was in several bands right up to joining Honey, but I must admit the timeframe is a bit
of a blur. The Wrong was my band right up till the time of joining Honey - I hope that
KISSFAQ.com: Had you known Paul Frehley prior to being in Honey? If so, how?
KISSFAQ.com: What do you recall of your first encounter with Paul Frehley?
It was very interesting to say the least. I had heard through the grapevine that a band in
The Bronx was looking for a singer, so I showed up for an audition in somebody's basement.
Paul asked me to sing a few Rolling Stones songs and maybe even a Humble Pie tune although
I'm not sure on that last one. At the end of playing together for awhile he turns and says
to me - we are playing in a club on Friday and that was pretty much it. I guess that was
his way of saying I was in his band.
KISSFAQ.com: Did you have any lasting first impression about him?
He was a man of few words, but his guitar playing was awesome. He could play any lead or
solo note for note. He would always stand close to me onstage with his guitar slung very
low. He had the look of a rock star, and the chops to back it up.
KISSFAQ.com: What happened to Honey's second guitarist?
I think we pretty much phased him out, although I liked the sound of the 2 guitars.
KISSFAQ.com: What sort of music and where did Honey play?
We played many local clubs in the New york area. Our set consisted of many British bands
music. Here is a list as I remember it. Jumping Jack Flash, Brown Sugar, Street Fighting
Man and many other Stones tunes. Several Jethro Tull songs, I don't remember the exact
titles. Zeppelin, The Who and Hello Susie by The Move. We did an Alice Cooper medley
featuring Be My Lover and Eighteen. One of our favorites was Come On Up by The Rascals, of
course we did our own version. We also did some Nazz including Not Wrong Long and Under
The Ice. Vanilla Fudge-Keep Me Hanging On. A few clubs that stand out in my mind are The
Rustic Pub in the Bronx. Fantasy East which was near 238 St in The Bronx, and The Fore and
Aft in New Rochelle.

Image from Auction...
KISSFAQ.com: What sort of guitarist was Ace at this time?
I will say that Ace was a super guitarist even then. Very innovative and he would hear
something once and play it perfectly. Even then he marched to his own drum.
KISSFAQ.com: Who else was in Honey?
On band members I remember we originally had a second guitar player named Tom, but I can't
recall his last name. Our bass player was Tom, and his last name may have been Stella. Our
drummer was Angelo DiGeronimo and I sang lead- my name is Rich Circell. We were joined for
awhile by a keyboard player named Lee McNulty.
KISSFAQ.com: What do you recall of the first Honey gig?
I felt at the time like I was just along for the ride. We went over well but we knew we
had to tighten things up. We had a limited set list at that time.
KISSFAQ.com: Describe Honey's best gig? Where/how/what/why? I guess this means most
I would say one we did at the Fantasy East in The Bronx was the one I really remember. The
sound and song selection was great. We did our usual stuff but with some James Gang thrown
in. I remember the crowd was really into it and lots of people took pictures.
KISSFAQ.com: Did Honey ever open for bigger bands or play gigs with other acts?
We always played alone.
KISSFAQ.com: Do you recall any disasterous Honey gigs?
One which stands out in my mind was when our bass player threatened bodily harm to Ace. It
seems Ace wanted to be in a new position on stage and had moved the bass players equipment
without asking him. That did not go over well and I was asked to be the go between. This
guy would have killed Ace for sure. We ended up playing but you could feel the tension all
night long.
KISSFAQ.com: Did Honey ever record any of their gigs?
Maybe on some old cassete players but I have never heard any of them if they exist.
KISSFAQ.com: Did the band write any original material? If so, what sort of material was
it and who were the primary writers?
I wrote original material along with the keyboard player but we never performed it with
KISSFAQ.com: What happened to Honey? Did the band break up, or Ace leave?
I remember it getting to the point where nobody liked each other much any more and things
really seemed to fall apart.
KISSFAQ.com: Did you continue in bands?
That was it for me. The music business had left a sour taste in my mouth.
KISSFAQ.com: What word pops into your mind the moment you hear "Paul/Ace
Unique. Strong willed and a non conformist.
KISSFAQ.com: Did anything Ace later did in Kiss remind you of him in Honey?
The way he held his guitar and some of his solos.
KISSFAQ.com: Did you follow Ace's career and/or keep in touch with him?
I had a conversation with him at a part about music and he was telling me about a new band
that he would be getting involved with. He talked about high heels, makeup, spitting fire
etc. I have never seen or spoken to Ace since.
KISSFAQ.com: Any last words!
It has been a blast reliving these great old memories. I would not have traded the
experience of playing with Honey for anything. It was a great period of time for me.
Thanks for giving me the chance to share my story.
Thanks to Rich for taking the time to read let alone answer this long Q&A!
October 17, 2008
(from mykisslife.net)
So. True confession time. Ready? OK. Here goes: How many hours have
YOU spent staring at the cover of the Alive! album? It sucks you in, just
like the album does. Its (arguably) KISS at their finest. Gene stands leering
at his bass
making plans for pleasure, pain
or both! Petes the cool
cat with his sticks in the air, ready to pound out a powerful pulse. Ace wields his
axe like some cosmic divining rod, channeling powers known only to space travelers from
Jendell. The Demon, the Catman, and the Space Ace
each in his own
each in his own world. And Paul? Hes in YOUR world. Staring
straight at you (or through you), the Starchild embodies all that is Rock and Roll. And
its been that way for 35 years. Whether hes dazzling thousands of fans with
the Hottest Band in the Land, or reaching for outstretched hands in a packed theater, Paul
Stanley remains the greatest frontman in rock history. On October 21st, 2008,
fans will have a chance to experience the power and passion of Pauls Live to
Win solo tour when the One Live KISS DVD hits the shelves. Thanks
to the generosity of Universal/New Door, KISSonline.com, and Paulstanley.com, PodKISSt is
proud to bring you an EXCLUSIVE interview with Louis Antonelli, director of this exciting
new DVD. Louis gives us his up-close and personal account of the creative, collaborative
process behind One Live KISS. Fans of Paul Stanley, take note: This
is NOT a PodKISSt to miss! Big big thanks to everyone on the PodKISSt team, and to Paul
himself!!! In this 2-part show (dont forget to download both files!)
- we bring you our exclusive Louis Antonelli interview (hosted by PodKISSt staffer Ken
- we check in with our pal Rich Kosak, the Starchild from tribute band Mr.
- we hear first-hand accounts from some of Pauls most devoted fans
- we get the scoop on the unique Ikons compilation (also due in stores on
October 21st)
- and lots, lots more! See ya soon
Gary, James, and the rest of your PodKISSt
Click here
to hear ther Podcast.
October 17, 2008
(from myfoxatlanta.com)
ATLANTA (MyFOX Atlanta) -- Paul Stanley is a visionary, a
trendsetter, a rocker, and an artist. In a swirl of spandex and platform boots, Stanley
was the iconic front man of Kiss. However, hes lately been using his paintbrush to
create some unique works of art. Click
here to see the video.
October 17, 2008
"One live Kiss" will be shown
in a theater in Chicago on October 19th, two days before its official release. For more
infos see Kissonline.
October 15, 2008
(from rockpages.gr)
continue our year-long KISS special article with the 16th interview with a KISS-related
This week we
publish an interview with Tod Howarth from Frehleys Comet.Heres an excerpt:
Rockpages.gr: During your stay in
the band, Frehleys Comet released two full-studio albums and one live EP. How
difficult it was for you to blend your more FM rock style with the old-school rockier
style of Ace? Was there any friction between you two?
Tod Howarth: Absolutely no friction between us at all. Ever. It
is so strange to hear my rock style referred to as FM but in retrospect, especially with
Its Over Now (of which I wrote for Cheap Trick to do in 1986) I guess I
can see the correlation. My real style is far
heavier than Ace but not as anthem-esk. At
the time, the tunes I wrote for us were a simplified version of what I really wanted to do
because that style would have been even more of a contrast!
It wasnt so difficult as it was to think; now, how do I re-write
my ideas? In the end it turned out not
be such a stretch after all, but some of the die hard KISS fans never took to me. BUT many new ones did!
Rockpages.gr: The majority of the
Frehleys Comet fans refer to Second Sighting as the Tod Howarth
Solo Album. I am sure youve heard it
any comment?
Tod Howarth: Yes Ive heard this many times, but heres the truth
behind this musical urban legend. When it
came time to write and record the Second Sighting album Ace had virtually no
tunes ready to go. Period. Nor did he rush in to write extra
tunes, for whatever reason it was, it took a time toll on us and we had to get
things moving. Rather than have a
discombobulated style of songwriters strewn all over the disc, I wrote half of the record
and he wrote the other half. Ace
was fine with this at the time because we had plans to forge forward and kept the Comet
going as a band. I am a song writer first and Im always writing songs. I just had plenty of stock, and I was a band
You can find the whole interview on:
October 15, 2008
Did you ever want to see the houses of
Gene, Paul, Ace, Peter and Eric?
Click here to see the houses they live in:
October 14, 2008
(from Deuce News)
Hi Bruce!
So big rumors about BK3!!!
But lets start stepping a little back
You recently published KKB and you are selling the limited 1,000 copies through
your site www.kulick.net (Ive
got the #42!!!)
Listening to it I was astonished about the quality and the overall sound that comes out of
the tracks (and you were really young at those times!!!).
Can you share with us some memories about those great recordings sessions?
I really don't remember much other than I wanted to play great and the
music was challenging as you tell listening to it.
We all know you are currently on tour with Grand Funk Railroad and you are really
busy, but we are also waiting for your next album, some good news about it?
The CD will be out in 2009... nothing else to say about it right now other than I
love it, and it is being worked on for the next few months, so get it ready to release
early next year.
Well getting Gene to co-write and sing a terrific song is amazing. Really is a
shining moment for my new CD.. more news as it develops.
I personally think (and Im not alone!) that you had a great impact on the
KISS sound and that your style and contributions grown constantly through the years.
I saw that you also changed your guitars through the years, but is there a guitar that you
played in the past that still is on your rack and that you cant live without?
Well my Les Paul 53 is on even Paul Stanley's solo disc from 78! Was my
brothers, and it has been on many KISS and others recordings.
We know, as you mentioned in many interviews, by which guitarists you were
influenced by while you were young, can you tell us which are the these last years
guitarists you think will influence the next generations?
Well John Mayer is a great songwriter and guitarist... some of the new metal guys
are terrific as well. But I still feel that the Hendrix/Clapton/Beck influence will
rule 4ever! EVH as well!
I met you last year on tour with ESP and I saw how you and Eric play by heart together.
Do you think there will be chances for us to see you again playin together?
WE are working on coming over in Feb 09. So be patient.
Can you share with us the best image you have while thinking about your KISS years?
Playing on stage and seeing a huge adoring crowd going crazy!
Ill try to find a way for you to come to Italy and play for us.
Which are the cities you would rather prefer to visit? (the right answer is Verona wher I
live ;-))
I don't know Italy that well... but do love your country!
Bruce, thanks again so much for your time and for your music.
Hope to see you really soon and....
Rock on
Fabio Deuce
October 14, 2008
(from www.paulstanley.com)
Following Saturday afternoon's gallery show, Wentworth Galleries held an exclusive
"invitation only" private dinner and evening with Paul Stanley at the Ritz
Carlton in McLean, VA. 30 art collectors from around the country feasted on a multi course
dinner of filet mignon and roasted sea bass while surrounded by new art works including
abstracts and portraits.
Each course of the dinner featured a star shaped food item beginning with star crab cakes
and concluding with assorted star shaped pastries and chocolates. Paul, along with Tommy
Thayer ate each course at different tables, spending quality, one on one time with all
Everyone who attended agreed the highlight of the six hour party was an unannounced
surprise of Paul and Tommy performing an acoustic set of KISS and Beatles classics!
With the overwhelming success of the event, plans are underway to make this an annual
event with next year's festivities in Las Vegas.

October 13, 2008
Kiss did another "Dressed to
Kill"-style photo session in suits & ties. The photos appeared in the Italian
"Uomo Vogue" magazine. Italian Forum member Deuce67 has posted some photos in
the Forum. Click here
to see the photos.
October 12, 2008
(from Feko Diaz)
Gene will be on the MTV Latin Awards in Guadalajara Mexico the next October 16 / 2008
The Awards will be live at 9pm at central time, you can see the Awards live on MTV in
Spanish, channel 873 of Dishnetwork company.
October 11, 2008
CD 2009
Bruce says he should have his new CD
"BK3" out early 2009, which includes also one song sung by Gene Simmons. More
infos on his blog on his website.
October 10, 2008
(from Partyman/Kiss Forum)
Eddie Trunk has announced that Ace Frehley will be taping an upcoming episode of
"That Metal Show," a show which will be debuting on VH1 Classic next month.
"That Metal Show" is a thirty-minute roundtable talk show where legends of rock
hang out and discuss their past and current projects, all the while interacting with the
metal maniacs that make up the studio audience.
Tickets are sold out for the taping of Ace's appearance, but stay tuned for the
announcement of the day this episode will be on TV!
October 10, 2008
(from rockpages.gr)
Greetings once again from Greece. I thought that I should let all the die-hard KISS
fans know that we put online on Rockpages.gr an interview that we did with Peppi Marchello
(Good Rats leader). As you know, Bruce Kulick played on an album of theirs and here's an
excerpt from the interview regarding this subject:
Rockpages.gr: Lots of rock fans cite Great American Music as their best Good
Rats album. Was it tough for you not to have two members of the classic line-up on the
Peppi Marchello: Well, the answer is no because the original guys from the
Tasty album
we replaced John Gatto and Lenny Kotke with two terrific
players (Bruce Kulick who later joined KISS and Schyler Deale on guitar and bass
respectively) who shaped a little bit the sound of Good Rats into a different direction.
But, it was an enjoyable experience playing with them. I always enjoy playing with great
I was also playing with my son who is an incredible guitarist and he added
his heavier style to Good Rats. So, the answer to your question is no, because
I found two excellent replacements and we recorded a really good album. What song did you
like on that album?
Rockpages.gr: If I had to name just one song, I would say Hollywood Ending.
Peppi Marchello: Oh yeah? (laughs) Cool!
Rockpages.gr: I really like the lyrics that go
I am in love with you, you are
in love with him, he is in love with her, but she is in love with me! Great stuff!
Peppi Marchello: Thank you! Its hard for me to judge, because I wrote all the songs
and its tough to point out a favorite one. But, I love it when people come to me and
say how much our music means to them and how it changed their lives. I would love to come
to Europe and see some of the Good Rats fans out there.
Feel free to check the rest of the interview on: http://www.rockpages.gr/detailspage.aspx?id=1673&type=1&lang=EN
October 10, 2008
Click here to see the new movie trailer
for the upcoming live concert DVD "Paul Stanley One Live Kiss." In Stores
October 21st. Directed By Louis Antonelli.
October 9, 2008
(from rollingstone.com)
Kiss guitarist Paul Stanley banked millions of dollars last year. Not from touring,
but from his paintings. For the past year, Stanley has been touring his original artwork
and will open a new exhibit this Saturday at a Washington, DC area gallery.
Its been terrifically successful, Stanley tells Rolling Stone.
And the great thing is I never expected it. I paint for myself. If no one else likes
it at least I do. I have never approached things to please other people in both art and
No stranger to art, Stanley studied at New Yorks High
School of Art and Music, the inspiration for the film Fame. My best subject
must have been lunch, he says. I didnt get along with authority and it
turned me off art. Failing art class, he dropped painting for music. Years later,
while going through a painful divorce in 2000, Stanley found solace in painting and picked
up his brushes again. Now, he clearly takes pleasure in knowing his art reaches different
crowds both Kiss fans and art collectors.
I see people at the gallery who will never go to a Kiss
show and people at a Kiss show that will never go to the gallery. And then there are some
people in between. His pieces, mostly four-by-five foot acrylics done in bold colors
with intense strokes, brought in $2 million last year. His originals fetch as much as
$70,000, with limited-edition prints going to $1,000. Even Kiss co-founder Gene Simmons,
known more for his shrewd business practices than for his eye for art, bought one of
Stanleys works titled Statue of Liberty. The monetary aspect
validates it that much more for him, Stanley says.
Meanwhile, Kiss has been gigging consistently for its legions
of fans known as the Kiss Army. Fresh off a 30-show Kiss European tour, where the band
sometimes played six shows a week, Stanley says the group is fit and finely tuned these
days. The band has never been better, never looked better, he says, adding
that Kiss is planning a 35th anniversary tour this spring.
October 9, 2008
Click here to
hear an interview with Eric Singer from Oliver Tanson.
October 8, 2008
Paul will be doing an art show
with his paintings on October 11th in McLean, Virginia.
October 7, 2008
(from Blabbermouth.met)
KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer performed at a
star-studded outdoor concert Wednesday night (October 1) at Branson Airport in Branson,
Missouri. He played alongside members of gmusical goups such as HOOTIE
and the BEAVER BROWN BAND, plus Samantha Cole,
Steve Azar, Bob Anderson, Johnny
Lee and Moe Bandy.
Watch fan-filmed video footage of the performance below (clips shot and uploaded by Justin Kuhns).
The concert was part of the Lion's Heart Invitational Golf Tournament
and Concert, which was held Tuesday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 1, 2008
on Murder Rock Golf Course at the acclaimed Communities at Branson Creek and featured PGA pro golfer John Daly and dozens of his
celebrity friends. The two-day event benefitted the Ozark Mountain
Family YMCA and the John Daly Foundation.
"Mustang Sally" featuring Johnny Lee
(lead vocals; country legend that started the "Urban Cowboy" movement in the
early '80s that spawned the movie "Urban Cowboy"), Tommy Thayer on guitar, Mark Bryan of HOOTIE & THE BLOWFISH on guitar and Steve Azar
(country star) singing a verse:
Click here
to see some video clips from this event.
October 7, 2008
(from www.campfreddy.net)
It was a busy day for Camp Freddy yesterday, as the band performed two shows in one day.
First of all, the band helped celebrate the opening of the new John Varvatos store in
Malibu with an acoustic performance that included Royston Langdon, Steve Stevens, Corey
Taylor and Perry Farrell. And then later that night at an exclusive, unrelated party in
Malibu, the band played an electric set that culminated in Paul Stanley from KISS joining
the band for killer versions of 'Whole Lotta Love', 'All Right Now' and the Kiss classic
'Strutter'. Setlists and guests are listed in the 'Events' section of this site.

October 6, 2008
(from rockpages.gr)
We continue our year-long KISS special article with the 15th interview with a
KISS-related figure.
This week we publish an interview with Bob Halligan Jr., a KISS
collaborator/co-songwriter. Heres an excerpt:
Having worked with so many artists, whats the main element that distinguishes
Paul Stanley from all the others?
Bob Halligan Jr.:
Paul was interested in having quality songs and he didnt care who wrote which
parts. Lots of younger artists would be more ego-driven and tend to want all the main
ideas to come from them. Paul was a real pleasure to work with in that way.
You can find the whole interview on:
October 4, 2008
Gene held a speach in Edmonton
where he said, that Peter and Ace are in their third bankruptcies. In the same speach he
mentioned, that he is 59...
October 2, 2008
Click here to see a new Alice Cooper video
featuring Slash and also Eric Singer.
October 1, 2008
(from Diamant Noir/Fred Vehert)
Tribute To the hottest band in the world

Re-worked, Re-recorded, and Performed by KISS ARMY members
from All Over the World.
1. Reputation ~ SagaFoo
2. Baby Driver ~ Chris Davis
3. Strange Ways ~ the Chandelears
4. Secretly Cruel ~ Double Virgo
5. Cmon & Love Me ~ Jayjerz
6. Let me know ~ Das Fark
7. God of Thunder/I Love it loud~ Bat Lizard Stew
8. I can't stop the Rain ~ Eucky Cheeze
9. Sure Know Something ~ Casaboontha
10. Strange ways ~ Jim Tucker
11. You're all that I want ~ Mixmaster Jason Herndon
12. Dirty living ~ Das Fark
13. Take Me ~ Jay Jerz
14. Rock n Roll All Nite ~ Casaboontha
15. Reputation (raga dub) ~SagaFoo
1. Baby Driver (Remix w/Intro) ~ Chris Davis
2. Strange Ways (Album Version) ~ The Chandelears
3. Reputation (Piano Remix) ~ SagaFoo
4. Dirty Living (Album Version) ~ Das fark
5. Secretly Cruel (Promo CD version) ~ Double Virgo
6. Take Me (album version) ~ JayJerz
7. Shock Me (promo EQ version) ~ Casaboontha
8. You're all that I want (album version) ~ Mixmaster Jason Herndon
9. Strange ways (pink master version) ~ Jim Tucker
10. God of thunder/I love it loud medley (original demo) ~ Bat Lizard Stew
New album cover and special promo CD cover Designed by Frederic Vehert.
Featuring awesome Retro Album Cover Art !!
by Frederic Vehert,
Webmaster of Black diamond-the French kiss website!!
You can visit the Diamant Noir website here:
The album will be released a Single CD version.
by SagaFoos own FOO Army label imprint on
OCTOBER 31 2008
50 hand numbered copies of a Special 10 track advance CD-r with an alternate cover, songs,
and remixes from the album are being sent out to kiss related websites for review!!
Only 250 copies of each will be pressed initially, and unless demand is high enough or
its picked up by a label it will probably not be re-pressed.
The album can be pre ordered from SagaFoo direct by emailing or snail mail
Advance orders are now being taken with the first 50 including the promo for free!!.
10.00$ U.S. funds plus 5$ shipping in U.S.A. or 8$ shipping everywhere else, this is for a
factory pressed cd with a professional cover. It will be shipped on Friday OCTOBER 31
2008, guaranteed or your money back!
The album can be pre ordered from sagafoo direct by paypal address: sagafoo@hotmail.com or snail mail with
western union or international money orders to: sagafoo.com 500 w. mercer st. #106
seattle, wa 98119 u.s.a.
$15 inc. postage!
$18.00 inc. postage!
All proceeds from the first pressing will go to: Village Community Services Mt Vernon,
Washington, U.S.A.
Website and mission statements here: http://www.villagecommunitysvcs.org/
Thanks for your interest and contact me for special bulk orders too!
SagaFoo ~ webmaster: WWW.SAGAFOO.COM
Email me sagafoo@hotmail.com for
DOUBLE VIRGO: "Secretly Cruel"
October 1, 2008
Meanwhile "Kiss my
Ankh", a Vinnie Vincent Tribute Album, has been released by Split Screen

1. Killer
2. I Still Love You
Gods of Fire
3. Lick It Up
Future 86
4. A Million To One
Steve Brown
5. Boyz Are Gonna Rock
Mike Weeks (with Andre LaBelle and T.J. Racer)
6. Back on the Streets
Jazan Wild
7. That Time of Year
Sheldon Tarsha, Ryan Roxie, Marko Pukkila, Troy Patrick Farrell
8. Love Kills
Vic Rivera / Kelli McCloud
9. Unholy
Curse God and Die
10. I Just Wanna
The Dead Zoo Keepers
11. Ted Poley (parody of Unholy)
C.C. Banana (with Banana 7, featuring Chris Caffery)
More infos here.
October 1, 2008
(from www.Kulick.net)

Back in September of 1974, Bruce and friends Mike Katz & Guy Bois (KKB) entered New
York's Sudden Rush recording studio armed with a handful of songs.
The reel-to-reel tape of those sessions sat forgotten for decades, until Bruce found a
TEAC reel-to-reel player at garage sale in 2006. While looking for something to play on
the new machine, the "KKB" sessions were rediscovered! Though some repair work
& mastering were done to the tape to get it up to digital standards, no overdubs or
new music were recorded.
KKB 1974 is ON SALE NOW in a strictly limited pressing of
only 1,000 CDs, all of which will be hand signed and numbered by Bruce, and will include a
limited edition KKB guitar pick (while supplies last).
»» Click for audio samples & to order! »»
October 1, 2008
(from Fabio
Ciao Eddie,
First of all thanks so much to dedicate some of your time to me and to the Italian KISS
Some of us know you very well being one of the most notable KISS fun in the USA!!!
I whish anyhow to let other Italian folks (mainly who still do not know English so well)
to meet you.
Q: Could you briefly tell us who you are and which are your main current activities?
A: I have been in the music business in the USA for 25 years. My jobs have included music
radio, retail, writing, record label and TV. I was VP of Megaforce Records from 1986-1990
and my first signing was Ace Frehley. Worked on all four solo releases. Currently I have
two national radio shows. One live from New York City on Q104.3 and syndicated stations,
one live on XM satellite radio. I was a music TV host for VH1 Classic from 2001-2005. I
have a brand new show coming to the channel November of this year called "That Metal
Show". Its a roundtable discussion with rock and metal artists. Two very funny comics
as co-hosts.
Q: You are a long time fan, since the early days. Most of us knew KISS for the first time
only in the late 70, with the disco hit IWMFLY.
When did you hit by KISS for the very first time and which are your memory of those times
A: I was in 7th grade. Walking home from school with a friend who stopped in to a record
store to buy what was then the new Kiss album R&R Over. He suggested I check out the
band and I purchased Destroyer. Next day I went back and had my parents buy me every album
they had and it was all consuming then. Prior to Kiss I had just been listening to pop
bands. My first favorite group was a band called The Raspberries, but when I heard and saw
Kiss it changed everything, but Raspberries still have some great music!
Q: We finally have the chance to see KISS again on tour last year after almost 9 years.
You, on the other hand saw many concerts and tours.
What do you think of this latest (last?) line up?
A: I think the current band sounds great and Tommy and Eric are great players. I have
known them both for years. My only issue with the present lineup is that I wish Tommy and
Eric has their own identity like Eric or Vinnie did. Doesn't sit right with me to see
these guys play the role of someone else. I know it's not their decision, but I would be
much more into it if they were not dressed as Ace and Peter and were their own persona.
Just looks and feels wrong to me, but that's just my opinion.
Q: Are you planning to have some interviews with some of them in the next future?
A: Kiss members past and present are always welcome on my shows. They have all been on
over the years and I am proud to be one of the true real supporters of their music on
radio. The door is always open if they want to come on but it's up to them, not me.
Hope to get in touch with you soon for exiting news about Ace new solo effort and possibly
a new KISS world wide tour!!!
Eddie, thanks again for your time and, as you said to me you are half Italian, please come
here and be my guest when ever you want!!!
Keep in touch