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31. Dezember 2023
Vinnie Vincent Receives Fans’ Criticism After Increasing
Membership Fee To $200
ve covered Lick It Up by Kiss and we may never sleep again
KISS Frontman PAUL STANLEY Chooses The Worst Record They
Ever Made - "Unmasked Was Tepid And Had No Balls To It"
Ace Frehley Explains If He’ll Form A Band With Ex-KISS
Paul Stanley Names Soul-Funk Band That Inspired Kiss' 'Rock
and Roll All Nite'
Vinnie Vincent charging annual fee for his ‘Euphoria’
Facebook group starting on February 1st
Ex-Night Ranger guitarist Jeff Watson recalls KISS having
burnt toast next to their stage when playing live
Why Kiss’ Dressing Rooms Always Smelled Like Burnt Toast
[Deine Meinung]
29. Dezember 2023
Original KISS Guitarist ACE FREHLEY Discusses "Good Guitar
Player" VINNIE VINCENT And "Excellent Musician" BRUCE KULICK
ACE FREHLEY 'Got Along Famously' With VINNIE VINCENT At Last
Ace Frehley Shares Opinion on Other Ex-Kiss Guitarists,
Explains What He Likes About Vinnie Vincent's Musicianship
Petition: „Radio Bob“ soll einen eigenen 24/7 KISS Stream an
den Start bringen
B-movie monsters, IQ tests and The Village People: 50
obscure Kiss facts only hardcore Kiss fans know
[Deine Meinung]
28. Dezember 2023
Morgen um 10:25 Uhr kommt auf ZDFinfo "The story of Kiss".
Bei Amazon gibt es momentan folgende Versionen des neuen Ace
Frehley Albums vorzubestellen:
Quietly Drops New ICON Splatter Vinyl! Unboxing and Review!
KISS Lick It Up Japanese 40th Anniversary Vinyl Unboxing
KISS Lick It Up 40th Anniversary 3LP Unboxing
[Deine Meinung]
27. Dezember 2023
Paul Stanley Names The Worst Two Records KISS Ever Made
Kiss kommen 2027 als Avatare: Zwei Meter groß und sie
Desmond Child On Why He Owes Everything To Paul Stanley
"Even now it can still get the tears running down my face":
Paul Stanley - the soundtrack of my life
[Deine Meinung]
25. Dezember 2023
KISS ON TOUR, 2002 - 2023
(von Amazon)
KISS on Tour" is a KissFAQ title that had
been in print in physical format for some years. This is the
fiftieth anniversary printing of the former standalone
volume that covers the period following the "Farewell Tour"
in 2001, when Kiss decided that they weren't actually ready
to retire after all, through their conclusion to active
touring in late-2023 with the End of the Road tour. There
are substantial refinements and additions from previous
KISS: Legendäre Rock-Band bald nur noch als virtuelle
Avatare zu sehen
[Deine Meinung]
24. Dezember 2023
KISS geben Update zu Avatar-Show… und verraten, wann es
soweit sein soll
[Deine Meinung]
23. Dezember 2023
Christmas Baby" At Home; Video
KISS: Erstes Avatar-Konzert soll 2027 stattfinden
First Kiss avatar shows set to take place in 2027
Here’s When the Kiss Avatars Will Debut
[Deine Meinung]
22. Dezember 2023
Ace Frehley Expects To Get Paid By KISS For The Spaceman
First KISS Avatar Show Announced For 2027; Video
First KISS Avatar Show Scheduled For 2027
ACE FREHLEY On Getting Paid For KISS Avatars Using His
Spaceman Make-Up - "I Get Paid For The Usage For Merch, And
I Would Consider This Avatar Stuff A Merchandise Ploy"
Ace Frehley Reveals if He Earns Money From His Kiss
'Spaceman' Make-up Design
ACE FREHLEY Believes He Will Get Paid For Use Of 'Spaceman'
Makeup In KISS Avatars
[Deine Meinung]
21. Dezember 2023
Paul Stanley’s Message To Peter Criss Receives Backlash From
Original KISS Drummer PETER CRISS Celebrates 78th Birthday
With Surprise Party In Florida; Video, Photos
Why Paul Stanley Rejected Bandit Makeup After a Month
Original KISS Drummer PETER CRISS Gets Surprise
78th-Birthday Party: Video, Photos
[Deine Meinung]
19. Dezember 2023
John Regan’s recollection of why Frehley’s Comet’s sophomore
album ‘Second Sighting’ “sort of bombed”
Bei kik gibt es ein
Kiss Tanktop um € 2,99! Vielen Dank an Thomas
Steinhäuser für die Info!
Nach der letzten Show: Kiss machen sich mit 200 Millionen
Dollar Avataren unsterblich
[Deine Meinung]
18. Dezember 2023
Simmons Promises That KISS’ Virtual Avatars Will ‘Get
Hasselhoff Is Everybody Happy (Ft.Ex-KISS Guitarist Mark St.
John) 1989
Kiss: Ihre Avatare kosten 200 Millionen US-Dollar
Kiss: 200 Millionen Dollar-Investition in die Avatare
GENE SIMMONS On KISS Avatars - "There's So Much Being
Planned, Even Beyond My Comprehension"
[Deine Meinung]
17. Dezember 2023
GENE SIMMONS Says KISS Avatars Will 'Get Better': 'They're
Spending 200 Million To Take It To The Next Level'
[Deine Meinung]
15. Dezember 2023
Geddy Lee Shares Gene Simmons And Paul Stanley’s ‘Trick’ To
Attract Girls
KISS – New York City Collection Now Available Online
[Deine Meinung]
14. Dezember 2023
Ace Frehley versteht nicht, was die Kiss-Avatare sollen
[Deine Meinung]
13. Dezember 2023
Ace Frehley thinks that the Kiss avatars are "not rock and
roll" and "geared towards children"
ACE FREHLEY Is Less Than Impressed With The New KISS Avatars
- "It Kind Of Looked Like It Was Geared Towards Children...
And It's Not Rock And Roll"; Video
KISS - New Destroyer-Era KnuckleBonz Statues Available For
ACE FREHLEY Doesn't 'Get' The KISS 'Avatar Thing': It Looks
Like It Is 'Geared Towards Children'
Geddy Lee Reveals Why Kiss Had to Party in Their Makeup
Ace Frehley Mocks Kiss’ Avatars: ‘It’s Not Rock ‘n’ Roll’
Ace Frehley 2023: About his new soloalbum "10.000 Volts" and
Watch ACE FREHLEY's Entire Three-Song Set At EDDIE TRUNK's
40th-Anniversary Party
The Gene Simmons interview
[Deine Meinung]
12. Dezember 2023
311 Drummer’s Childhood KISS Story Will Make You Facepalm
Ace Frehley at Eddie Trunk's 40th Anniversary Party 12/11/23
Swatch feiert die Rock-Legenden der Band KISS mit einer
personalisierbaren Uhrenlinie
KISS - Swatch-Edition zum letzten Konzert kommt auf den
[Deine Meinung]
11. Dezember 2023
KISS' GENE SIMMONS Promotes 1980 Album Unmasked With Radio
Denmark Interview; Rare Audio Surfaces
Kiss sollten keine Avatar-Shows ausrichten, sagt Biff Byford
The Paul Stanley interview
[Deine Meinung]
10. Dezember 2023
Full Last Show - New York - December 02, 2023 - (Madison
Square Garden) incl. Beth
[Deine Meinung]
9. Dezember 2023
KISS - Rare Soundboard Video Of Entire Tokyo 1995 Show
Surfaces On YouTube
[Deine Meinung]
8. Dezember 2023
KISS reach the end of their road
SAXON's BIFF BYFORD On KISS Avatars: 'I Don't Think They
Should Do It'
DEE SNIDER On KISS's Farewell Tour: 'When I See The Bodies
In The KISS Coffins, Then I'll Say, 'They're Done.''
Kiss weiter auf der Bühne: The Show must go on – und zwar
Kiss: Dee Snider zweifelt am Bühnenabschied
[Deine Meinung]
7. Dezember 2023
KISS - Complete Pro-Shot Livestream Video Of Last Show Ever
Surfaces On YouTube
Sabotage Tour - "Ozzy Told Me That Geezer Had Said He Felt
Threatened By The Bass Player In The Opening Act"
KISS sagt, dass ihre zukünftigen Konzerte von digitalen
Avataren aufgeführt werden
'Paul & Gene Tried to Destroy My Reputation', Ace Frehley
Says - This Is How He Plans 'to Shut Them Up'
Paul Stanley feels there are people who don’t like KISS’
music but love the band and what it stands for
"Our intention was to go out on stage and destroy all living
things": How Gene Simmons intimidated Geezer Butler when
Kiss supported Black Sabbath
[Deine Meinung]
6. Dezember 2023
Frontmen Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley – KISS
GENE SIMMONS Spotted Eating A Hot Dog After Final KISS
Concert; Photo
Radio Q: Das letzte Konzert von Kiss
[Deine Meinung]
5. Dezember 2023
Ace Frehley: Kiss Fans Aren’t the Brightest, My Fans Are
Ace Frehley: „Kiss-Fans sind nicht die klügsten der Welt,
meine schon“
Galerie: Kiss – das letzte Konzert
Machen Kiss jetzt in Zukunft auf ABBA?
KISS - Reflecting On The Past, Present And Future As A New
Era Begins (Video)
[Deine Meinung]
4. Dezember 2023
Ace Frehley Accuses Paul Stanley of 'Not Even Singing' Parts
Live, Says 'Lot of Kiss Fans Aren't the Brightest People'
KISS - Avatare sollen die Band nach letztem Konzert virtuell
W.A.S.P.: Blackie Lawless würdigt Kiss
KISS Promotes Dynasty Tour With Appearance On Chicago's WLS
Radio; Rare 1979 Audio Unearthed
Gene Simmons Credits Family For Making It to End of the Road
Kiss to become 'immortal' thanks to Abba's avatar technology
KISS: Madison Square Garden, New York City - Livestream
Konzertkritik: Das allerletzte Kiss-Konzert – The Last Kiss
from New York
Kiss: Live im Madison Square Garden, New York (02.12.)
'One Cool Thing' Ace Frehley Did Before Eddie Van Halen's
'Eruption,' According to Trixter Guitarist Steve Brown
Kiss kündigen neue Ära mit Avataren an
GENE SIMMONS Aftershow Interview Following Last KISS Show
Ever Streaming - "It Needs To Be Said: Everything Is About
The Fans"
Kiss Final Concert Madison Square Garden 12,02,2023
[Deine Meinung]
3. Dezember 2023
W.A.S.P.'s BLACKIE LAWLESS Pays Tribute To KISS: 'What That
Band Was In The Beginning Was Astonishing'
TOMMY THAYER On KISS's Final Concert: 'I Thought It Was A
Fantastic Night'
KISS - A New Era Begins (The Conversation)
Kiss feiern Abschied mit Rock und Raketen in New York
Kiss-Sänger Simmons hat Tränen in den Augen: "Mir fehlen die
Abschied von Kiss in New York: Die besten Fotos des finalen
Die neue Avatar-Show von Kiss: Was wir bisher darüber wissen
Hier verwandeln sich Kiss in Avatare – Video
Kiss gaben ihr allerletztes Konzert in New York
Kiss zum Abschied: «Das ist also das Ende der Strasse»
Kiss gibt Abschiedskonzert in New York City
Rockband gibt Abschiedskonzert in New York und verspricht:
"Kiss wird es immer geben"
KISS kündigen neue Ära an: Bandmitglieder wollen als
digitale Avatare weitermachen
Kiss wollen weitermachen wie Abba
W.A.S.P. frontman Blackie Lawless recalls the unbreakable
camaraderie between the original KISS members
A new era begins: Kiss announce that they're continuing as
Watch KISS Livestream And Fan-Filmed Video From Last Show
KISS - "A New Era Begins" (Video)
KISS Announces 'New Era', Plans To Continue As Avatars
Kiss Announce ‘New Era,’ Will Continue as Virtual Band
Videos: KISS live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY,
USA, 2.12.2023
KISS Setlist at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA,
Kiss feiern Abschied mit Rock und Raketen in New York
[Deine Meinung]
2. Dezember 2023
Watch: KISS Plays First Of Two Final-Ever Shows At New York
City's Madison Square Garden
KISS On Eve Of Final-Ever Concert
Kiss geben ihr (angeblich) letztes Konzert
Nach 50 Jahren: Darum gibt Rockband Kiss das letzte Konzert!
KISS waren die Helden meiner Abi-Party!
Kiss spielen Abschiedskonzert in New York - oder doch nicht?
Ein Hintertürchen bleibt offen: Rockgiganten Kiss spielen
ihr Abschiedskonzert
KISS: Abschied nach 50 Jahren Horror-Show – auch als Stream
Rockband Kiss spielt angeblich letztes Konzert
Ace Frehley Doubts Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley Are Really
Retiring: 'How Many Times Did They Say They Were Gonna
KISS - Fan-Filmed Video Of Second Last Show Ever Streaming
PETER CRISS On KISS's Final Shows: 'It's Hard To Believe
It's Over'
Videos: KISS live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY,
USA, 1.12.2023
KISS Setlist at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA,
[Deine Meinung]
1. Dezember 2023
Peter Criss reportedly weighs in on KISS’ final upcoming
ACE FREHLEY On KISS's Final Shows: 'I Don't Really Believe
They're Ending Their Touring Career'
Go Inside KISS Pop-Up Store In New York City: Video, Photos
Ace Frehley Doesn’t Believe Kiss Is Done Touring
In "Brisant" gab es heute einen Bericht über Kiss in New
York. Die Sendung wird in der nacht im Ersten wiederholt.
Unter Strom: Ace Frehley zeigt erste Single „10,000 Volts“
ACE FREHLEY veröffentlicht neues Solo-Album «10'000 Volts»
Februar '24. Erste Single und Titeltrack erscheint jetzt!
Kiss Tour 2023: Finales Konzert im Stream – und 2024?
Kiss - New York Post, Pop Up Store Experience, Swatch Times
Square Gene Paul Eric Tommy Nov 30 2023
KISS Lights Up The Empire State Building In Honour Of Their
Final Shows Ever; Video
Watch: KISS Lights Up Empire State Building In Honor Of
Band's Final Shows Ever
[Deine Meinung]